You had a baby
Are you a woman and did you have a baby during your integration period? Then you can ask for 16 extra weeks to integrate.
- You are a woman.
- Your child was born during your integration period.
- Your integration period started at least 2.5 years ago.
Did you already get extra time to integrate? You can’t ask for extra time twice for the same period.
- Complete the form 'Aanvraag verlenging inburgeringstermijn bij geboorte kind' (Application extension integration period in case of a birth).
- Send the form to DUO, together with a copy of the birth certificate.
- DUO decides if you get extra time to integrate. We will let you know within 8 weeks.
Terminated preganancy
If you had a terminated pregnancy, please send us a copy of the document called 'akte van geboorte (levensloos)' from the municipality.