Followed a literacy course

You have 3 years to integrate. Did you have to learn to read and write first? And did you follow a literacy course? Then you often get more time to integrate.

If you are integrating under the 2021 civic integration law ('Wet inburgering 2021'), you need to apply for the extra time to integrate. If granted, you will get between 3 and 6 months extra time.


  • You are following the B1 track or the education track (‘onderwijsroute’).
  • Your school was listed on the website when you started the course. Or you went to a .
  • You attended school for at least 3 consecutive months.
  • Your integration period started at least 2 and a half year ago.


  1. Complete the ‘Aanvraag verlenging van de inburgeringstermijn bij alfabetisering’ form.
  2. Include proof that you followed the course. For instance a copy of your enrollment.
  3. Send the form and the proof to DUO by post.
  4. DUO decides if you get extra time. You will receive a notice within 8 weeks.
Aanvraag verlenging van de inburgeringstermijn bij alfabetisering (144Kb, pdf)

Are you integrating under the 2013 civic integration law ('Wet inburgering 2013')? After the literacy course you will usually get a letter from DUO, saying that you get extra time to integrate. And how much. You will never get more than 2 extra years for learning how to read and write.

No letter

Is it already 8 weeks after your literacy course? And have you still not received a letter from DUO? Then apply for the extra time to integrate yourself. You should also do this if your school is not listed on Link opent externe pagina .

  1. Complete the ‘Aanvraag verlenging van de inburgeringstermijn bij alfabetisering’ form.
  2. Ask the school to complete the 'Bewijs van inschrijving' (proof of enrolment).
  3. Send the form and the proof of enrolment to DUO.
  4. DUO decides if you get extra time to integrate. We will let you know within 8 weeks.

Aanvraag verlenging van de inburgeringstermijn bij alfabetisering (144Kb, pdf)

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