Took many lessons and exams

You have 3 years to integrate. Did you already attend many hours of a course and did you take many exams? Sometimes you can get extra time to integrate.


If you are integrating under the 2021 civil integration act (Wet inburgering 2021), these are the conditions:

No need to apply

You do not need to apply for the extra time. You will get it automatically if you meet the conditions. You cannot get more than 6 months of extra time.


If you are integrating under the 2013 civil integration act (Wet inburgering 2013), these are the conditions:

  • You have attended at least 300 hours of a course.
    • You can combine hours of an integration course and hours of a Dutch as a second language (Nt2) course.
    • Only hours attended at school count, not hours you followed online.
  • Your school was listed on Link opent externe pagina when you started the course.
  • You have taken the ONA exam at least once.
  • The other exams you haven't passed, you have taken at least twice. Language exams at level B1 or B2 (Nt2 State exam) count as well.
  • Your integration period started at least 2.5 years ago.

One ONA exam attempt consists of an approved portfolio and the interview about the portfolio.


  1. Check in Mijn Inburgering if at least 300 hours of a course have been registered.
  2. Are fewer hours registered? But did you attend more hours of a course?
    • Ask the school to inform DUO digitally about the hours.
    • If this does not work, as the school to complete the ‘Verklaring deelname cursus’ statement and send this with your application. The statement you will find with the form.
  3. Complete the 'Aanvraag verlenging inburgeringstermijn' form.
  4. Send the form with the statement to DUO.
  5. DUO decides if you get extra time to integrate. You will receive a notice within 8 weeks.

Aanvraag verlenging inburgeringstermijn (109Kb, pdf)

School does not exist any more

Doesn’t the school exist any more? Send DUO all documents you have to show that you participated in the course. For instance the contract, invoices or proof of attended hours. So DUO can see how many hours you attended school.

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