Which exams

Which exams you need to take, depends on the act that applies to you: the 2013 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2013') or the 2021 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2021'). If you don’t know which law applies, check Mijn Inburgering.

The municipality has made a plan with you: the personal integration and participation plan (PIP). The PIP says which educational track Link opent externe pagina you are following and which exams you need to take. You can also read this in Mijn Inburgering.

Which exams you need to take, depends on the date from which you are required to integrate. You can check this date in Mijn Inburgering.

You are required to integrate from 1 October 2017 or later

In order to integrate you need to pass these exams:

  • Reading (level Link opent externe pagina A2 or higher)
  • Listening (level A2 or higher)
  • Writing (level A2 or higher)
  • Speaking (level A2 or higher)
  • Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM)
  • Orientation on the Dutch Labour Market (ONA)
  • Participation statement process (PVT)

You are required to integrate from between 1 Januari 2015 and 1 October 2017

In order to integrate you need to pass these exams at A2 level:

  • Reading (level Link opent externe pagina A2 or higher)
  • Listening (level A2 or higher)
  • Writing (level A2 or higher)
  • Speaking (level A2 or higher)
  • Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM)
  • Orientation on the Dutch Labour Market (ONA)

You are required to integrate from between 1 January 2013 en 1 January 2015

In order to integrate you need to pass these exams at A2 level:

  • Reading (level Link opent externe pagina A2 or higher)
  • Listening (level A2 or higher) 
  • Writing (level A2 or higher)
  • Speaking (level A2 or higher)
  • Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM)

Taking fewer or no exams

Sometimes you do not have to take all exams. Or you may not have to take any exams at all. For instance because you have an illness, or because you already have a diploma. Fewer or no exams lists all the possibilities.


For information about the cost of exams, please go to How much does integration cost?.

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