Adjusted exam in case of illness or disability
Integrating under the 2021 Act
Are you required to integrate under the 2021 civic integration act? If so, check your PIP to find out the language proficiency level of your language exams: A2, B1 or B2.
Are you unable to take your exam properly due to illness? Or because you have a disability? Sometimes, DUO can make adjustments to your exam arrangements.
Requesting adjusted exam: knowledge exam or language exam A2
Do you want to take an adjusted knowledge exam or language exam at level A2? Use the 'Aanvraag advies voor een aangepast examen bij ziekte of beperking' form.
This will happen after your request:
- You will receive an invitation from Argonaut (link in Dutch) Link opent externe pagina . A doctor from Argonaut will examine you.
- The doctor from Argonaut will then write a letter to DUO stating if you are entitled to adjusted exam arrangements.
- DUO will ensure that the necessary adjustments are made. You will receive a letter informing you about this process.
- Register for the adjusted exam with the 'Aanmelding inburgeringsexamen' form. You cannot register in Mijn Inburgering.
Aanmelding inburgeringsexamenpdf, 151kb
Requesting adjusted exam: language exam B1 or B2
If you want to take an adjusted language exam at level B1 or B2 (Nt2 State exam), read more about the adjusted Nt2 exam (link in Dutch).
More time or not taking the exam at all
You are given 3 years to integrate. Do you need more time because of your illness or disability? Go to Extra time to integrate to find out more about your options.
Are you unable to pass the exam at all? Go to Taking fewer or no exams and read what you can do.