How much money can you borrow?
If you borrow money from DUO, you will receive a letter. The letter states exactly how much you can borrow.
Asylum status holder
- Are you an asylum status holder and are you required to integrate under the 2013 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2013')? Then you can borrow up to €10,000.
- Are you an asylum status holder and are you required to integrate under the 2021 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2021')? Then you cannot borrow money from DUO. Your municipality pays your course costs and 2 exam attempts.
No asylum status holder
Are you not an asylum status holder? DUO will decide how much you can borrow, based on your income.
Use the loan calculator to calculate how much you can borrow.
Decreased income
We will look at your income from 2 years ago. Has your income decreased since then? Then DUO can look at your new income, so you may be able to borrow more.
Informing DUO of decreased income
- Complete the form ‘Verzoek ander inkomensjaar’ (Request different income year).
- Read the text on the form under 'Uitleg' (explanation). This tells you what supporting documents you need to include.
- Send the form and the supporting documents to DUO.
- Also send the form 'Aanvraag lening'.
- DUO then decides whether you can borrow more. We will let you know within 8 weeks.
Verzoek ander inkomensjaarpdf, 117kb
Aanvraag leningpdf, 143kb
For how long can you borrow money?
Are you required to integrate under the 2013 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2013')? Then you can borrow money during the time you need to integrate. Make sure you sign the participation statement in time.
Are you not required to integrate, but do you want to anyway? Then DUO will check when you registered your address with the municipality. The loan ends 3 years after the date of registration.