
Are you new to the Netherlands? Usually, this means that you need to integrate. Learning Dutch is part of the integration process. In addition, you need to learn about living and working in the Netherlands. After this, you usually take an exam.

3 years to integrate

You have 3 years to integrate. This is called the integration period. You can always check Mijn Inburgering what to do, and from when you need to integrate.

Letter from DUO

If you required to integrate under the 2021 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2021'), you will receive a letter from DUO. This letter says you need to integrate. You will only receive the letter when:

  • you have a 'burgerservicenummer' (bsn), and
  • you have a residence permit, and
  • you have been registered with the municipality.

Once all these things have been arranged, it can take another 8 weeks before you receive the letter. If 8 weeks have passed and you still have not received the letter from DUO, please contact us.

Broad intake and PIP

After the letter, the municipality will invite you for an interview and a test to determine what you already know (the ‘leerbaarheidstoets’). The interview and the test together are known as the 'broad intake'.

After the broad intake, the municipality will make a personal plan with you. This is called the personal integration and participation plan (PIP). This plan says which learning track you will follow in order to integrate. And which exams you need to take.

From when to integrate

Once your PIP has been established, you will receive another letter from DUO. This letter says from what date you need to start your integration.

Learning tracks

There are 3 learning tracks:

B1 track

The B1 track will prepare you for paid or voluntary work in the Netherlands. Within 3 years you will take the language exams at language proficiency level Link opent externe pagina B1 (Nt2 State exam). If this proves impossible, there is an option to scale down to language proficiency level A2. You will also take knowledge exams. Check your PIP or Mijn Inburgering which exams you need to take.

Education track

The education track is specially designed for young people. This track will prepare you for a study programme at secondary vocational education (MBO), higher vocational education (HBO), or university. Within 3 years you will take the language exams at language proficiency level Link opent externe pagina B1. You will also take knowledge exams. Check your PIP or Mijn Inburgering which exams you need to take.

Self-reliance track

The self-reliance track is designed for people who are required to complete a civic integration process, and for whom the education and B1 tracks are too challenging. You will learn Dutch at language proficiency level Link opent externe pagina A1. You will also learn to participate in Dutch society. You will have the opportunity to take language exams, but they are not compulsory. You do need to take knowledge exams. Check your PIP or Mijn Inburgering to check which knowledge exams you need to take. The self-reliance route ends with an interview with the municipality.


If you would like to know more, please watch the video "Inburgeren in 2022" Link opent externe pagina (English spoken). The video is also available in Dutch Link opent externe pagina , Spanish Link opent externe pagina , Farsi Link opent externe pagina , Tigrinya Link opent externe pagina , Somalian Link opent externe pagina , Arabic Link opent externe pagina , Dari Link opent externe pagina en Pashto Link opent externe pagina .

From when to integrate

If you required to integrate under the 2013 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2013'), you will receive a letter from DUO. This letter says from what date you need to start your integration. You will only receive the letter when:

  • you have a 'burgerservicenummer' (bsn), and
  • you have a residence permit, and
  • you have been registered with the municipality.

Once all these things have been arranged, it can take another 8 weeks before you receive the letter. If 8 weeks have passed and you still have not received the letter from DUO, please contact us.

Exam at level A2

Within 3 years you will take the language exams at language proficiency level Link opent externe pagina  A2. You will also take knowledge exams. Check Mijn Inburgering which exams you need to take.

You can study on your own for the exam. But you can also choose to take a course at a school.

Voluntary integration

You can also integrate on a voluntary basis. This means that there is no obligation but you want to integrate anyway. For instance in order to naturalise or apply for a stronger residence permit.

Step-by-step plan

The route you need to follow to integrate depends on your situation. View all steps of your integration.

Already obtained a diploma

If you already obtained a diploma in your country of origin, you can apply with the International credential evaluation (IDW) Link opent externe pagina for a credential evaluation. This is free for most people that are integrating. Do this a soon as you can, right at the start of your integration. You can show your credential evaluation to employers in the Netherlands, so they know what kind of study programme you completed.

Diploma not obtained or not available

Did you follow a programme, but don’t you have a diploma? Then you can apply with the IDW Link opent externe pagina for an 'Indicatie Onderwijsniveau' (Indication of Educational Level), which defines which educational level in the Netherlands is comparable to your diploma.

Start participating while in AZC

You can start participating in Dutch society while you are still staying in an asylum seeker center (AZC). Go to Mycoa.nl Link opent externe pagina to check the opportunities.

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