Passed State exam at level B1 or B2

Did you pass 1 or more State exams at level B1 or B2? Then you do not have to take these exams again as part of your integration. But sometimes you need to apply for this  exemption yourself.

Are you required to integrate under the 2021 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2021')? Your PIP says which exams you need to take and at which language proficiency level.

Did you already pass 1 or more Nt2 exams, at the level stated in your PIP or higher? If so, you do not have to take these exams again as part of your integration. You do not need to apply for an exemption yourself.

Are you required to integrate under the 2013 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2013')? And did you already pass 1 or more Nt2 exams? If so, you do not have to take these exams again as part of your integration. Apply for an exemption for these exams.

Nt2 diploma

Were you already required to integrate before 1 January 2015? And do you have an Nt2 diploma? Then you may not have to take any integration exams. Apply for an exemption. You can check in Mijn Inburgering from when you were required to integrate.

Apply for an exemption

  1. Complete the ‘Aanvraag vrijstelling van de inburgeringsplicht’ form.
  2. The form states the conditions, and which documents you need to send with it. Send the form and the required documents to DUO.
  3. DUO decides if you get an exemption. We will let you know within 8 weeks.

Aanvraag vrijstelling van de inburgeringsplicht (90Kb, pdf)

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