Starting integration later
The people it concerns, should have received the letter between January 2022 and May 2023. However, DUO did not receive their details in time from the IND. This is why DUO only recently sent them the letter. They can now start their integration.
Contacting municipality
If you received the letter ‘Kennisgeving inburgeringsplicht – Wet 2021’ from DUO, please contact your municipality. The municipality would like to meet you. And to make a plan with you for integrating in the Netherlands, the ‘persoonlijk Plan Inburgering en Participatie’ (PIP).
No effects on integration period
The letter being sent late does not affect the period you have to integrate. This period starts the day after signing your PIP. You have 3 years to integrate.
Family migrants and other migrants
Family migrants and other migrants still need to pay for their own integration. They can borrow up to € 10,000 from DUO to do so. This loan needs to be repaid.
Read explanation letter
Below you can read the explanation letter DUO sent.
Letterpdf, 20kb